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chaos and order
The first thing I see is the capital building in this dream it has cracks all over it.. when I walk inside I see congressmen all sitting looking at their wallets and talking about gibberish like it makes sense... things are so weird that I go outside here is long lines of mothers and fathers and children starving and cold standing by tash cans with fires in them to stay warm.. there is a riot down the street.. and people throwing rocks at a granpa with a walker.. in the doorway of an apartment building there is a grandma in a wheel chair starving with tears flowing down her face.. She looks so sad ans sick.. it is sad.. Then an old time car drives up inside it is a mob boss. or he looks like a mob boss from an old time movie.. he sees the rioters tossing stones at grandpa and grandma crying.. he yells at the crowd you must have respect.. they yell give us a job and food..give us dignity it is their fault..Now I am waling behind the mob boss leader as he goes into a huge room with a long table in it.. he calls to order a meeting at the table is leaders of all the mafia groups and gang leaders.. He says to them there has to be respect..there has to be order.. it is lost and needs to be found.. the people split.. next I am by one of them walking into a big buisnessmans office.. He is shoving money in his pants with gold coins all around dancing an irish jig he has a picture of his home a huge mansion and yahts.... the boss says to him.. hire people.. If you continue this disgrace to the homeland you will have to pay a tarif to every ship load of goods brought in.. then you see them counting ships entering ports.. they go back to the industrial boss and give him a tarif for every boat load.. he deny's..
Another day dawns.. I am with them watching the boats come in.. they go into the same office with the dancing industrial leader but he isn't there any more there is another one in his place he has a picture of a modest home with a fishing boat in the driveway..this one hands over a list of people he has hired and a bucket of gold coins..mafia man then takes it to the table.. there are huge amounts of buckets with gold in them.. they get food and then I see the gang members and mafia men taking them and dropping them off at the doors of the elderly the old woman looks happy .. people are working.. and you see food in every corner.. all yards have a garden and gardens on the roofs and there is a cow on main street with a milk maid milking.. everywhere I look I see people growing things.. and working.. there is a family walking by the mafia leader they wave and say thank you for our dignity..
I walk around the corner to see the capital building and the Congressmen look hagard and worn they don't have any gold with them and their suits are rags..


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chaos and order - by wendlo - 09-04-2011, 04:55 AM

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