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Airplane Emergency Landing on Freeway - Flight 103
I rarely have or remember any dreams. However, last night, I had a repeating dream over and over that lasted most of the night and would not go away. I was driving indown a freeway with 2 lanes on each side with grass in the middle. There were trees far off each side with grass between the road and trees. I herd a sound, looked in my mirror and saw a large plane comming behind me. The large plane proceeded to land onto the freeway to the left of me facing the traffic. The cars were swerving to each side of the road onto the grass to get out of the way. There was a curve further down the road. The plane landed on the freeway with cars swerving off the road and while slowing, the plane proceeded to go around the curve and out of sight behind the trees. I repeatedly picked up my phone and called 911 to report the incident.
The dream kept repeating all throug the night and I started inquring in my mind, what flight is this? The number 103 kept appearing in my mind repeatly.
I'm in Lancaster, PA on business and fixing to fly back toRaleigh, NC on Friday, 9/30 (changed from Saturday, Oct 1 today). This was very very unusual for me to have a dream (I take Ambien at nights) andfor it to persistently repeat and for me to vividly remember it all the next day.

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Airplane Emergency Landing on Freeway - Flight 103 - by presman - 09-29-2011, 06:01 PM

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