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Basement Portals
The series of dreams I've had over the last two weeks has had a recurrant theme: at some point I and anyone with me goes down into the basement wherever we are and we leave through the back door or a hallway door. The doors sometime lead to another basement, or just another part of town.
The buildings and houses are all old. The basements mostly finished. Sometimes with rows of doors, sometimes with just a back door to exit by. When going out the back doors I always find I have to go "down hill" a bit, as if the house is on a slope. These basements are sometimes a couple of stories tall at the back wall. Looking up I see all the dusty timbers, joists, and flooring from below. Sometimes I look down to see trenches cut into the dirt part of the floor like there is unfinished construction to be done, or pipes to lay. Once my dog, a pug, was in the trench and looking up at me with a bundle of asparagus sticking out of her mouth, gnawing on all of the shoots ends at once.
In the past these basement areas have not been portals. For years I've had dreams of old buildings, churches, houses, all built on a slope, with larger than average spaces under, old dusty timbers and dirt. Usually I feel the presence of spirits, unfriendly ones at that. Lately there has been no evil, just pathways along my dream timeline for the night. Many of these portals just lead to completely new scenes where I go to interact with others, and then leave by entering the house, going to the basement, picking a door, and moving on.

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Basement Portals - by Philistine - 10-04-2011, 06:58 AM

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