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The Day the Sun Went Out
I had a dream (duh!!!), a dream far more vivid and memorable than others I typicaly have. This level of vividness is what made it really stick out in my mind. The most pointed part of the dream is that there are people in hiding and huddled up is some sort of school gymnasium as if prepared for disaster. For some reason I am not afraid and I go outside and look up in a very dark daytime sky to see the Sun blink out and followed by some sort of EMP that made everything electronic around me spark out.

That is the really disturbing thing about the dream that is so jarring that I keep coming back to. Thu sun flickrering and then going out for about 10 seconds, only to to "turn back on" in a much more violont shade of reddish orange as this EMP just cooks overhead transformers, and signs, and street lights, and billboards sending showers of sparks all around me.

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The Day the Sun Went Out - by ThinAir - 10-04-2011, 06:36 PM

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