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Energy from space penetrating the Earth's core.
Sept 27, 2011 A.M.I could see a planet and they informed me it is the Earth. Encapsulating the Earth there are three energies. I could see surrounding it being represented energetically as three equidistant rings. As I looked in the center of the earth there was a bright white light in the center emanating outward. From that center emanating outward I could see twelve funnel like energies turning and spinning equally at the very exact same time extending way beyond the Earth. If you were to look at it size wise it would be as if you were looking at the head of a pin in the center of a silver dollar, the pin being the size of the Earth. Off in the far distance to my left, if you are looking directly at the Earth, I could see a sphereical body, a planet and from the center of that spherical body I could see a very defined intense and condensed energy reaching across space penetrating to the center of the earth and resonating with the celestial body that it originated from. The energy from the celestial body was wide and broad and the closer it was to Earth the more dense it became. Like a piece of a pie at it's smallest point touching the center, the core of the Earth.

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Energy from space penetrating the Earth's core. - by Delta Don - 10-07-2011, 07:30 AM

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