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morphed into a new world
So in my dream (10/13/11 at about 2:50 a.m. Eastern time.
In the dream, I was just saying goodbye to people after having dinner with them. I was in an apartment somewhere in Japan I think.It felt like we were having an earthquake because the building started swaying a bit. I said something to the effect that I was glad we were in Japan because the buildings would be able to withstand the shaking much better than most places.
We decided to go outside to the ground level.
At this point things were really moving. The building was swaying like its supports were made of rubber. It was almost like the walls would sort of flatten and reexpand as the building moved around.

We decided it was time to get in a boat as we didn't want to get caught under a building if it collapsed, and we were right near the water, so getting in a boat would be easy.

So we got into a pontoon type party boat, the kind with a platform on two pontoons that usually has a cover. This one had more complete walls, it could almost be a small houseboat without much furniture.

So we were in the boat, and decided to leave the dock area, out into more open water. Then things continued to be weird.
We still felt like we were getting the effects of the quake. It felt like the boat was moving around just as much as if we were in an apartment on land.
Eventually the boat was spinning, and people started disappearing.

To the best of my recollection there were three other people in the boat besides myself. I'm a white male, so there were two darker skinned women, and another white male. I don't think I knew them from this waking life, but they didn't seem out of place in the dream.

So at this point, the boat was spinning and rocking, and people started disappearing. Not falling out of the boat, but just no longer in the boat.
First it was the other white guy across from me. I remember looking around for him, and he was just gone. Then I think I disappeared.
The weird thing was, I was still in the boat. My impression was that I had split off of that timeline, while still in the boat, so that the first guy who disappeared was probably in some other existence, probably in a boat as well. Maybe the two women were still in that other timeline, or maybe they split off as well. The point being that I was in a boat alone, and seemed to be somewhere else entirely.

While this was going on I was getting a strange mental/physical feeling mainly in my head, perhaps like a weird 'trip', but it was while I was spinning into another existence. When it stopped I got the feeling I was along the coast of North America somewhere, in sort of a swampy area where I managed to get to shore and the dream ended.

I remember thinking during the dream that this might be something along the lines of the 'planetary mind f*ck' that I've been reading about from the hph work, and elsewhere. Its kind of crazy because for all the prepping that I may have done for an eotwawki, I was SOL, because that was all in some other existence and I was now alone, in someplace/time else entirely.

I woke up and tried to make sure I was where I thought I went to bed. I was, and figured I should make my first post here.

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morphed into a new world - by nycjeff - 10-12-2011, 10:35 PM

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