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Golden Boy on Tour with the Troops
Again, a short part of a longer dream:
I rember starting at the river. It's a low land, green and leafy all over. I'm waist deep in the water on one bank. There are a number of important persons around. A couple of commanders, maybe a Senator. I'm the only "real" soldier in the group and I've been chosen to watch over a visitor from the States. He's some kind of actor or sports figure, tall and blonde.
I'm giving him instructions on using one of our guns. He really wants to shoot a machine gun, and I've been obliged to help him. (not my choice). I demo a few bursts into the river, out about 100 yards. The gun rattles, and spits fire, casings dropping in the water, and splashes over where the bullets land.
I can feel everything, hear everything, all but smell the burnt powder. The dream is in perfect color.
I think I was smart enough to hand the Blonde boy an empty weapon, he's a goof. He starts waving the thing around, generals and Senator engrossed in conversation, and I am not too worried about all the muzzle sweeping. So the gun was empty.
I can feel the barrel, still warm from my use of it, as I put my hand out to stop the muzzle and say "You know, you aren't supposed to just point that thing anywhere, you could kill someone. It's called "muzzle sweeping", you are sweeping the area with the muzzle of the gun." Golden guy seems a bit peeved I was gently reprimanding him and he starts getting pretty obnoxious. Pointing the gun directly at my head, again, my hand feels the weapon as I push it away. I see and feel my rifle in my other hand, butt on hip. So I am handling this jackass with one hand. Over and over I slap the gun down and patiently remind him not to point guns at friendlies. I show him how I have my rifle on my hip, pointed up, in my left hand.
Cut to war film footage of our tour. "One thousand of America's best special forces troops lead the way. The _____ in the middle, and followed by a battalion of South Vietnam's best". The footage was black and white of jungle troops in gilly suit like camouflage marching through the woods and through streams and mud.

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Golden Boy on Tour with the Troops - by Philistine - 10-20-2011, 03:11 PM

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