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The Meaning of Occupy Wall Street
I am 65, a long time socio-environmental activist, like many folks I've been trying to get my head around the deeper implications of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Last night I had this dream.

Another activist and I were meeting with a powerful right wing/conservative senator. It was a casual setting in a hotel room. There were the four of us, the senator, a Bob Dole looking man, his top sleazy aide and a secretary. I made quite a powerful argument regarding the impact of industrial dairies on their rural neighbors.

The sleazeball aide caught the senator's eye and they both rolled their eyes, bored and dismissive.

We left the room and were and were sitting around the pool with two other activists talking about how dismal the meeting went, when the senator came over, pulled up a chair and sat down next to me. He said smiling, "You are contaminating my conscience. It is not right that these operations adversely impact their neighbors."

We of course were all blown away.

I've never had a dream like this. It was so real it woke me up, as I continued my argument. As I lay there post dream, I'm thinking perhaps that is the real significance of Occupy Wall Street, that it will "contaminate" some of the consciences on Wall Street and through out the political world, that the gig is up, adversely impacting one's neighbors is not right.

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The Meaning of Occupy Wall Street - by El Coyote - 10-21-2011, 05:10 AM

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