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huge black bear & red heifer
I was watching a huge black bear approaching while carrying a red heifer in it's mouth. It's mouth was closed over the heifer shoulders with some blood dripping down the sides of the heifer. The heifer was still very alive an struggling. The bear went thru a barn door into a large pen inside the barn an dropped the heifer. It turned towards me an started to come after me. I went up into the haymow an proceeded to throw objects in the bear's way to slow it down while I shouted at the heifer to get out of the barn so it could escape. The bear kept trying to get into the haymow but the objects kept stopping his entrance.
I was able to kept the bears attention long enough for the heifer to recover & get away.

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huge black bear & red heifer - by shepard - 12-01-2011, 01:47 PM

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