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Dimensional Fabric Visions
2/8/2012 20:00 -- 20:50 EST

Flood of Dreams, Hard to Understand

After dinner, I went upstairs and finished my first try at doing the income taxes. I finished up a little before 8 PM, and suddenly felt so sleepy that I could hardly stay awake. I managed to get to the bedroom and laid down on the bed in my clothes for a nap.

Almost immediately, I began to experience vivid dreams as if in a movie theater, many dreams coming rapidly one after another. They were without apparent linkage, and difficult to understand. Here's what I remember, and it seems to be only a small part of them;

I remember seeing numbers and letters going by my field of vision, similar to what you see when a program is loading into an older computer. Sometimes the numbers and letters were in a line, sometimes a plane, sometimes 3 dimensions and perhaps 4 or more dimensions. They moved by me very rapidly. Sometimes it was like watching the screen of a computer, and sometimes it was as if I was traveling rapidly through the numbers and letters along many axes of space at once.

Imagine black numbers suspended in three dimensional graph paper, very square and orderly rows on three axes. Then you drive a submarine through this 3-D alphabet soup while the numbers and letters course through and all around you. As you go, the numbers and letters at each position stay where they are, but they change to other letters and numbers with your movement, and the background colors of the 3-D graph paper change as well-- This seems to describe motion through a number and letter matrix of at least 5 dimensions (LxWxHxTxC; Length, Width, Height, Time, Color).

There were graphs going by in rapid succession. They were graphs of lines, planes, and incomprehensible green spaces, relationships of sets of numbers and characters to each other-- I did not understand any of them.

Then I was looking at a cloth, maybe cotton or muslin, with off-white threads one way, and white, blue, and black threads making a pattern the other way. The weave formed a dark pattern on the off-white cloth that somewhat resembled the gingham pattern, but my focus never backed away enough to see the big picture of it. My view zoomed in close, as if looking at cloth through a microscope, and when I was very close, each of the dark patches became filled with the letters and numbers again—Each colored patch a tiny fractal universe of numbers. Then my view zoomed back out, and it appeared to be cloth again. It was not cloth, but something that looked superficially like cloth.

I saw images of snow leopards with fractal black stripes on them. On the haunches, they had spiral fractals in black. I think it could be called a 'thorn pattern,' but don't know why I think that. They appeared to be murals in a hallway.

There was a picture of a cow, deer, or some other animal, sliced perhaps diagonally along the length of its body. It looked like a CT-scan, but in full real color of the organs and bones—yet with no blood. It distressed me, and I looked away.

There was an outdoor scene with chaos, but I can't quite remember it.

There was a cube glowing orange-red at the top of a mountain of cloth, covered with a cloth at first, but then the cover was taken away. As I got closer, it was not exactly a cube, but longer on the 'width' side, so that four of the six faces were golden/fibonacci rectangles. It looked exactly like it was made of orange-hot iron, yet it was not hot. It illuminated the cloth mountain beneath it and shone through the cloth that was over it, but the background of that scene was darker than midnight.

All the time I was dreaming these things, I knew I was dreaming. I kept trying to open my eyes. Sometimes I succeeded, but I would close them and the dreams would take off again. My son came into the room at one point, flicked the lights on and off several times to wake me up, and asked me if I knew where his dental retainer was. I didn't know, he left, and the dreams resumed.

After about 50 minutes of this, I managed to get out of bed and get a drink of water.

Everything about this occurrence is unusual for me. I do not usually dream this way. My dreams are almost never 'lucid,' and usually when I become self-aware in a dream, the dream ends quickly. I also very rarely nap, since I have sleep apnea and in order to sleep without suffocating, I have to put on a pressurized CPAP mask. I almost never take a nap at 8 PM. What's the point? Might as well just go to bed! But for some reason I could not resist the urge to lie down at once and go to sleep.

I'm not convinced that this really was sleep. It was more like a vision. I have never used any recreational substances, but it resembled descriptions of hallucinogenic trips that I have read about, although without any prodrome or pre-hallucinatory experiences.

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Dimensional Fabric Visions - by ablelba - 02-08-2012, 07:12 PM

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