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Rocky Mountain Signal
February 5, 2012
Dreaming....There is a distress signal being sent out by a woman in the Rocky Mountains, seems to be in the area of "Rocky Mountain National Park." The signal was only being picked up in Nebraska, as the mountains being at such a high altitude and location made the signal over arch or shoot over the Colorado plains and clear into Nebraska.
I was trying to get a local woman to pick up on the signal with her cell phone, explaining to her it was important, urgent. The gal said, "No way the distress call would be received in Nebraska!" I said, "Yes, Nebraska is the ONLY place it is coming in. It is Vital to intercept the distress signal and find the location in Colorado to answer the plea for help...."....and woke up...

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Rocky Mountain Signal - by Grace - 02-15-2012, 06:53 AM

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