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Volcano Lava Tsunami
I was on a beach in a bay of sorts. Much like Puget Sound, very green hills all around, steep rocky cliffs, small sandy beaches. I could see out to the ocean between the outcroppings and giant rocks in the water that made the entrance to the bay.
Suddenly, like Godzilla rising from the ocean, there was a tremendous noise, boiling clouds of steam, ash column rising, and much frothy wave action out in the ocean, maybe only a mile or so away. Me and the other people around stood and watched as the eruption began to spew lava high enough to see inbetween the explosions, steam, ashclouds and splashing waves.
It occurred to me that where we were would not be very safe for long. Either a tsunami would come in or eventually the eruption would grow large enough to start throwing things our way. I began shouting to those around me that we had better move inland only to be ignored. I tried again and again to get people's attention but they were fixated on the eruption in the ocean.
Cut to scene after the tsunami where the bay was now clogged with trees, bits of houses, and other human artifacts. For some reason I tried to cross the floating bridge of debris and fell in.
I don't remember much after that besides coming back to the beach only to find a smooth ropy black lava had filled the entire bay and onto the land where the sandy beach had been. Looking out between the rocks and islands at the mouth of the bay, the smoothness continued to a distant rounded mound where the eruption was.

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Volcano Lava Tsunami - by Philistine - 03-13-2012, 09:18 AM

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