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I was running from demons. They were right behind me. The crazy thing is I had this bottle of cleaner, like amonia or bleach, and when I sprayed it at them they would stay back long enough that I could get away. I was running in what looked like an old abandoned industrial building in a town (Columbia, MO) 60 miles from the town I live in. I didn't see a sign, I just somehow knew it. They were just about to catch me when someone grabbed me by my arm and told me to follow them. I felt as though this was an angel. As I was leaving the building, this person told me to just run as fast as I could and he would stay behind to slow them down. I felt really bad to leave him behind, but I just started running down the highway as fast as I could. The faster I ran the faster time sped up. Quickly I was out running a train near the road. I could tell the demons were starting to catch me, So I veered off the road to a farm an ran behind a barn. As I got there I was quickly being surrounded and there were about six other people with me (I did recognize one of the people present. It was a little girl I went to church with). They must have been there already. We were surrounded by demons when we joined hands and started singing a song we knew from church. It was a praise song and as we sang, we started jumping up and down. The more we sang the further the demons would get away. As we were singing and jumping we would get higher every time. Before long we were jumping almost as hight as the clouds. I could see the town I was from 60 miles away. The demons were fleeing. And I've never felt so alive, free and at peace. It was amazing. It was scary and exhilarating at the same time. I didn't want to stop singing. I've never felt the presence of God so strongly. I didn't want to wake up. Now, when I am singing praise songs at church, I want to start jumping up and down.

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Run - by tommy06 - 05-08-2012, 07:39 PM

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