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Commuter flight/ferry crashes
In the dream I was below deck on some sort of ship. As we climbed above deck, we saw television screens playing footage of a 'plane' crash. I overheard people saying "oh, here is the story about that crash that we saw/heard about earlier". It is possible people on our boat saw part of this accident earlier?
The footage shows what appeared to be a large ferry boat taking off from the water and ascending up like a plane. About 1/4 of the way into its ascent, it suddenly starts falling to the water and splashes down. I can hear reporters on the screen talking about the tail seciton separating in the air resulting from a mechanical malfunction but then a comment about possible explosion. There was no word on survivors or casualties at this time but it did seem pretty severe. I did see on the rear of the flying ferry boat in the dream 'American Airlines' but no id numbers. For some reason in my dream I got the impression of over 200 passengers (the number 253 does come up in my memory of this dream).
The setting: Clear blue skies. Fair weather. Very nice out and we are near a large body of water.

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Commuter flight/ferry crashes - by 1d1a1n1 - 07-09-2012, 07:56 AM

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