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I've had versions of this dream, or at least, there is this same element that has appeared and overtaken many of my dreams since high school. Basically, its a variation on the classic flying dream, but its not really limited to to that. Also, I should add that these dreams always happen when I've just fallen asleep or I've approched lucid dreaming.Typically, I become aware that I'm dreaming and begin running, but its not normal running, its like I'm a old locomotive which spins its wheels at the initial blast of pressure from the engine, but it takes a moment to get any speed. Then as I do begin to pick up speed, each stride becomes longer and longer, each foot touches the ground firmly, but my legs throw me forward faster with each step. Although I'm "running", its not like I'm travelling forward in space as much as I am moving 'Dimensionally'.... everything begins to 'whir' past me very fast, but like warp, it also seems that I'm still and causing everything to move around me.I never make it to where ever I'm "running", because I begin thinking about my movements and become consumed with the thought of being as "efficiant" as possible as I "run".... I become so distracted with efficiant movement, that I typically wake myself up.... not before my body begins strange fits and flails that fill me with terrible anxiety as I'm coming out of sleep. Its like I'm going from total freedom of movement to a paralized body.

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Efficiancy - by Dr.Revelator - 08-01-2012, 01:43 PM

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