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Surveillance Dreams

4 dreams this morning. These 2 seem related--
7/29/2012 Dream 1.5 - Night invasion
There are people in the house at night. What are they doing? Large men, dark clothes, walking around quietly in the dark. They have no flashlights, but their movements are graceful, precise and almost soundless. They appear to have night vision goggles, but much more compact than anything I have ever heard of: smaller than swimming goggles, and completely black. My body is asleep, but my psyche follows them around. They are looking carefully at everything, but do not seem to be taking anything. They seem unaware that they are being watched by me.

Dream 2 -- On the watch list
My wife and I are standing outside of the garage, on the driveway. We notice that, when we get to a certain place on the driveway, we can hear the click-click-click of a camera shutter, coming from the corner eave of the driveway roof. There seems to be no camera, but when I look closely, there is a tiny pinhole in the soffit. It is a spy/surveillance camera.
Going through the house, we find subtle evidence of other cameras and microphones. We are mystified. Why would anyone go to the expense of bugging our house? We are not political, have no ties to crime or intrigue.
Next scene, I am standing in the lobby of our bank, waiting to see a teller. The external light darkens, but I find that I am able to ask questions of the secret thoughts of employees, or anyone there. My psyche is now standing behind the glass with the other tellers. An oriental man is operating a money counting machine in the corner.
"Why is my house bugged?" I ask him. His body continues to count the money, but his psyche raises its head and faces me.
"You are on a Homeland Security watch list, that's why you are being bugged." he says, matter-of-factly. "The bank has to report all your transactions as well. Also, we can't tell you this, even if you ask us."
"But, why me?" I protest, "I haven't done anything wrong."
"Not wrong," he replies, "Just suspicious. You have a bank safety deposit box. You travel to Canada regularly. You are making money on your investments when you should be losing money like everyone else. It's enough." His psyche pulls back in, and he continues to count money.
And it suddenly makes sense. The odd looks from the tellers at the bank, being shadowed at times by police officers. Long delays with any credit or debit card use. What will they do if they find out I can now query their thoughts and intentions?

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Surveillance Dreams - by ablelba - 08-02-2012, 07:40 AM

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