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August 25, 2012. Dreams of a childhood parent the same parent in my dreams of California is gone.
I was flying through the air and it was evening. There were three strange devices flying around observing below. They were black and had a strange ring type of attachment like the star-ship Enterprise on Star Trek, yet they were empty or hollow looking. There was a darkness about them and I knew they did not belong there. Two of the devices were a bit smaller and the rings were about 10 inches across. Both were destroyed when a beam of white light appeared in the center between the two of them and both fell to the ground. There was a larger black device still flying with a larger ring about a foot and a half across it was somehow flying and powering itself and I knew they did not belong in my dreamworld. So I destroyed it and threw it between the trunks of a very large old tree. I had a realization that it was observing what was going on in the ether or the field and did not belong as if it was a dark disease.
Shortly after flying around I came upon some of my family members still rehashing some old and familiar family patterns with much anger. They kept coming forward and up a hill towards me and every time they became angry they slid downward towards the bottom on a sheet of ice. They were trapped in their anger.
I decided to fly again and as I did I came upon three of my childhood neighbors and friends mother she was afraid and searching through her belongings and speaking to me yet she was afraid of me. I realized she was ill and I picked up one her belongings and gave to her a small little statue that she told me she always treasured. She told me she was startled at first because I looked very different to her as if I was a mermaid or merman.
She was climbing up a tower, a tower of her life; she was going through all of her memories. They were on a very large and very tall narrow bookshelf in the shape of a spiral. I gently paused and looked into her eyes and realized she was preparing to go on a journey and that this was symbol or a marker for me to remember my dream that I had last year in which they told me "California is gone."
In that dream that California was gone, I was told that if I wrote about it, it could change things. It would give people the chance to make a choice. Even though in my first near death experience as a nineteen year old I was shown that many are like Lemmings to the sea. That on a subconscious level they choose to be next to the sea.
My Mother has come to me in many dreams and one in particular she has shown me San Francisco. In this particular vision my mother is there and there are two young identical twin girls who look very white as if Albinos, but much whiter. Both girls are holding my hands and my mother points to the ocean as says to me "Donny look, look you must look" and in the distance I see an enormous wave coming. As I am looking the twins start pointing too. I can see the Victorian homes of San Francisco in a row on the hill and I am behind them in awe of this gigantic wall of water coming dwarfing all in its path. In a moment I am standing with my Mother and she is packing and the twins are standing next to me.
She says to me "Donny they must be given the chance to pack and leave, you must tell them they must have this chance."
I also had a vision of a great hand reaching and covering the earth the morning of the 20th of August and along with that I could see a new energy coming rows and rows of diamonds and if you were to look very closely within the diamonds there were strands of DNA horizontally packed very closely. They were vibrating and resonating so intensely that I thought I was going to vomit. I could barely contain the energy. I had to get up several times to accommodate this energy to not vomit.
Last night I saw this energy again and it is being stretched and the diamonds are becoming very narrow. There is something shifting and coming.
I am sharing this because that last time I felt this type of energy in my dreams was the night before the Northridge quake on January 14, 1994.

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August 25, 2012. Dreams of a childhood parent the same parent in my dreams of California is gone. - by Delta Don - 08-26-2012, 07:33 PM

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