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My 2nd Earthquake Dream
Sometime on Sept 11th 2012 I had my 2nd Earthquake dream just as vivid from the earthquake dream I had posted a couple of years ago here. Only this time it lasts only about 5 seconds. This time I'm in bead sleeping on my stomach being shaken a wake because of a violent Roar and side to side shaking. Then it suddenly stops. At first I wasnt sure if it was real or if I dreamt it. So I asked others, aparently it was dream. Now 2 days later a light bulb went off in my head. The shaking from both dreams was identical only in the second there was the sound of a violent roar. Reminds me of the 1994 Northridge quake to those that lived through that. 2 key differences though. The Northridge quake happened when it was still very dark outside with an eary blue glow from the moon, and it was a violent up and down shaker. But based on this 2nd dream and the past dream this quake is during the day possibly in the mid morning hours with thick overcast. And 2nd this quake has a violent side to side motion not up and down. My eureka moment came when direction of the shaking was identical with both dreams via flying objects in my room and stuff. So I pulled out my lensatic compass and based on this if i'm reading it right, the shaking motion goes from the 8degrees NE to 40degreesSW violent side to side. Im still in Newhall southern California area code 91321 which is the same for both dreams, for those enterprising individuals who want use this info with an overlay of known faultlines in the area. Plus theres been a strong sulfer smell in the area and according to this is from gas releases from faultlines preluding the BIGONE. So I suggest to anyone living in the area should stock quickly on food and at least 1 to 2 weeks worth of water cant count on Fema why should you. Interesting tid bit also. The main water pipe that feeds the San Fernando Valley and the Greater LA basin passes through Newhall. Its very big and looks similar to the Alaska pipeline only this one feeds water. I hope it doesnt break cause man o man LA will be in a lot of trouble if it does.

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My 2nd Earthquake Dream - by Unami - 09-13-2012, 03:22 AM

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