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Revelations / double dream within dream
Dream began while I was walking down a blacktop highway road outside of a major metropolitan city with a number of refugees including my family and me. I immediately noticed the rolling hills of a dessert like environment but the freshly laid pavement, crisp white road lines freshly painted and pedestrian signs every 100 meters or so. A large fog horn like sounds echoes from the heavens and immediately I think of revelations from the bible as a feeling of hopelessness and armageddon takes over my consciousness. I fear for my family walking beside me my mother, father, brother and girlfriend. I remember something about seven horns before the end comes for some reason and know by some weird way that the most recent horn although the first heard in my dream was the fifth. The pace of everybody"s walk becomes faster and faster as the 6th horn sounds, echoing from the heavens with no apparent source. looking back from where we've come I see a city scape with large buildings. Bright blue skies and stratus like clouds fill the sky so vivid and surreal. Just then the seventh horn blares and I know that this is the time, if something was to happen it was surely going to happen now. With everyone sharing a mutual conscious a uncomfortable moment of silence ensues before a loud rumbling generates in the distance ahead past the horizon. The rumble becomes a loud growl and piercing whistle as if to indicate something extremely fast is approaching. looking up I see a white trailing cloud shooting across the sky above to compliment the rumble and whistling, a woman screams and creates a frenzy amongst the crowd of people now looking mesmerized by the scene above. A commotion of panic now ensues as everyone drops their belongings and begins to run franticly with their loved ones at side. As I began to run with my girlfriends hand in mine, I feel a flash of heat and my peripheral vision radiates with a bright glow. knowing in my mind it had hit miles away but indeed we were in extreme danger and the world would never be the same again. I glance at my mother, the concern in her eyes heightens my awareness and I can tell she is in dire duress. she moves her lips as if to say i love you as my father grabs her and yanks her as he runs. I glance back to see what"s happening and see a wall of bright white, dust and death screaming our way faster than I could ever imagine. As it is about to reach us I accept my inevitable death and with a moments breath both my girlfriend and I look at one another simultaneously saying "I love you" with haste, forcing it out of our mouths quickly knowing these were our dying words. We kiss. I close my eyes and the blast hits us and I feel the warmth, expecting the experience of death the warmth overwhelms and encompasses my body with what felt like an appendage going to sleep, as it awakens it begins to furiously tingle exponentiously until the blood flow returns to normal. My whole body felt like that and as the tingles peaked I feel weird because I know I"m dead but I can still think subconsciously. The voice within me quanders and I am confused, but even more so I feel scared and worried for my family and their inevitable loss, I wonder if they too can still think and feel as I can and how they must feel given their loss of loved ones as well. I then awake...
It"s a brisk cold but fresh morning and I have awoken in a park on a bench, dew is on the grass. As I shake the sleep from my eyes I immediately become concerned given my recent dream. For some weird reason my father is at my side and we both look at one another with angst. silently communicating to one another we wonder what just happened and if perhaps we just had the same dream? Am I dead....? Are we both dead? If so, where are the others!?! Where is my mother!!? Where the hell are we?!? We don"t speak a word as we begin to walk. There is a hill atop sits a neighborhood of houses with a road that switchbacks twice to the top of the hill. We start to walk, silently not one word is spoken. I can see the breath as it comes out of my mouth in a surreal fog as we begin the climb to the top of the hill, "Am I only dreaming" I think to myself as I begin to panic and look to my side, my father gone and nowhere in sight. As the panic gets worse I try to put together the events that happened in detail and it is at this point that I awake. Thankful that my life is as it was and all of this was only a dream.

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Revelations / double dream within dream - by Toby - 10-23-2012, 07:30 AM

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