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A giant river.
The morning of Nov 13, 2012. I was floating above a high valley covered with very short grass like a tundra, surrounded by mountains on both sides. Near me below I could see a man fishing on a rivers banks. I looked to the opening of the valley and could see the river flowing and I looked at the person fishing and could see he was standing at a bluff or an area where the river ran a long time ago. As I gazed to the south or the opening of the valley I could see and hear and feel the intensity of the river had changed as if it had been unleashed and was all of a sudden very powerful. I could see it rising and flowing in a way I have never experienced, it was as if it was flexing it's muscles. I saw that it was quickly covering areas in 'its' path and the fisherman was no longer there as the area was now covered by water. I came down close to the river and the rapids were so large they were at least twenty to thirty feet above me. There was a force to this water that I have never experienced before, it was moving as if it were a herd of large horses crammed together in the water. Moving inland like it now has a life and substance to it as if it was aware of itself. It was so powerful I could feel it and was rather disturbed yet moved by it's power. I received a phone call while I was standing next to the river and the person informed me something was happening in Denver, Colorado and being lost and there was confusion there. There was much static on the line so I could not make out everything they were saying I was very concerned. Normally in my dreams I am able to stay removed but this time it was so intense I was feeling very uneasy. I decided to go looking for this person and I was in another valley and everywhere I looked I saw nothing but these very different looking bulbous clouds. The clouds were filled with light as if there were spheres or balls of luminous light within. There were small tendrils coming from the clouds touching the ground everywhere I looked like little tight tornadoes. Yet there was one gigantic tornado in the center like I have never seen before. I quickly found my friend whom called me and went into their home. In the home they had everything marked and stacked into the center of the home like they were getting rid of all of their possessions from life or moving. I woke up at this point rather disturbed from this dream and could not quite shake it off. So I decided to write about it today.

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A giant river. - by Delta Don - 11-15-2012, 03:27 PM

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