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Stuck Somewhere Part1
Early Morning 3-11-13
Dream starts with my mother and I in the kitchen of her sister's house. We were talking about getting her internet set up in my aunt's old house for the realty showing. My position shifts to where I am watching a woman walking through the woods carrying a weapon. The weapon looked to be something like a lever action Winchester. I am keeping pace with her, beside her as though I am the lens of the camera. She comes to a body of water, like a pond, she does not stop. She keeps trudging through. At one point the water is over her head and all you see is the rifle being held above the water. She emerges on the other side and still walks along as though the environment has not fazed her.
She walks to a clearing where there is a very large tent. The tent did not have a closeable door, just an opening. The tent was so large there where at least 2 rows of 4 military tents under the canopy of the large tent (there may have been more). The woman walked under into the first tent, right by some other people and into the 3rd tent in the first row.
The dream shifts again as I am pulled outside the large tent and through the woods as though I am looking over my left shoulder. I come across a large white Victorian house with ornate woodwork on the gables. The house has many windows and there are people walking around the grounds. I see most of them moving off towards my left and decide to check out what they are doing. As I get closer, I notice several things at once. There is a woman carrying a pig out to what appears to be a clothesline, and I get the feeling that the pig is dinner; A man and a woman walking towards the clothesline as well. Their faces seemed deformed to the point of almost being grotesque. It is not from anything wrong with them, but more seems a hard life lived on the grounds. The woman says to the man "

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Stuck Somewhere Part1 - by DtheDruid - 03-14-2013, 04:46 AM

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