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Dream of browsing through a book of "Truths"
Okay, so in a dream last night I was flipping through a book called, "We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident." It had perhaps 150 pages and was taller than it was wide...heavy hardbound cover and pages were gilt/gold edged. There were some interesting "truths" in was about people collecting their personal bacilli (and other critters) from villi to use as a cure for others. Interesting!
I had been in more "classes" last night which happen frequently...I am in small groups and receive instruction and information on a number of subjects... I am also in "meetings" a lot during those times with lots of human and non-human beings...

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Dream of browsing through a book of "Truths" - by redspiralhand - 04-16-2013, 11:01 AM

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