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Tasered for asking Obama & Biden a question
I had arrived at a venue where Obabma and Biden were going to speak. It seemed like a smallish crowd/group they were speaking to, a more private event (by invitation?) Obama and Biden were on the platform already and I called out to Biden saying, "So, I heard about your big land purchase on Hawaii's smallest even have your own lake. Congratulations." (Evidently this was not "public info" and I was a researcher or student or journalist testing the water on some info leaked to me. Biden did not respond but he and then Obama looked at me with that "troublemaker" look. After more people had arrived and the auditorium was filled a couple of secret service suits came through and I saw one of them point me out...tried to evade them but they grabbed me. As I was asking them why I was being removed the shorter guy looked at me with a bit of a snear and pulled out a blue taser and I could hear that it was on and he pressed it against me. I was trying to yell through the paralysis and pain but my words were a bit garbled... He kept pressing the thing up against me for long periods until they threw me out (no arrest) while I yelled, "this is TORTURE!" all the way out.
Not one of my more pleasant dreams but a very real one like I was experiencing a real event that happened. I believe I was a young male with dark his 20s or 30s. I looked up Hawaii's smallest island and it's Lanai. Evidently the island (98% of it, anyway) was recently purchased by Oracle founder and CEO Larry Ellison after a heated bidding war with Bill Gates over the real estate. Now I'm wondering if Ellison and Biden have some ties...certainly anyone flush enough to make sure a purchaase in Hawaii has connections to the White House...especially with it being Obama's home state and Obama's fascination/focus on technology.
Many times these dreams have valuable intel that I can use to follow up on if I have time...

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Tasered for asking Obama & Biden a question - by redspiralhand - 05-28-2013, 06:16 AM

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