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volcano, floods, stray cats and dog
Apparently this is the section to post the dream in...not really 'about me'... please ignore the prior posting under this same title.

Ok, the dream:
I am somewhere out back of a place that seems like light industrial/retail buildings. Very dry dirty, dry dead weeds. There is some kind of shed or storage locker in the back parking lot area that has stray cats living on it. I am upset that no one is taking care of the animals (yes, I am an animal kind person who has been known to rescue a stray or two). One lifts its head and it has greenish fur and big, huge bulging white eyes that seem cataracted. He is older cat and I am very sad he is on his own and he seems rather blind. Then a dog with no front legs shows up wrapped in some kind of paper cone that I slide him out of and now I am going to go looking for someone to help me with the dog. He seems to be the priority. I open a commercial type glass door on the back of one building that seems to be auto parts store and yell 'is this anyone's dog?'. Then I feel big wet drops starting to fall, I'm concerned about the animals out in the rain. It's starts raining harder and harder and I look south and I see water rushing inthe streets then I notice there is such a violence in the sky and I realize it is a volcano going off . I think, what the eff is there a volcano erupting in Orange County? It's very very vivid, I see rocks shooting out like missiles, roiling black smoke going up and out from this volcano. It seems not too far away and I know I have to go. I'm on a bike trying to outrun the flooding that has become torrential, up to my waist in fast flowing flood waters.I hear the water, I feel how wet it is and I am terrified of the flooding and how quickly it has appeared.
I wake up feeling scared and shaky.

Messages In This Thread
volcano, floods, stray cats and dog - by P. Schumaker - 09-20-2013, 07:14 AM

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