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A great upheaval.
Oct 11, 2013.

I was driving to the South in Northern Colorado and around me everyone was in their cars, RV's and tractor trailers. Frantic people were driving so fast they were almost hitting each other but somehow managed not to. 

We then came upon a great wall of debris, thrust up as if the Earth itself had created it. I climbed up the wall of debris and could see construction crews trying to clear the way, but it was vast and gigantic, I knew it was too large for mankind to repair. I could see within the Earth itself, as if its inner tendrils were stripped bare like massive roots of the Earth intertwined and exposed. But yet, it was nothing I had ever seen before and it was massive and blocking the way.

I then saw an old friend, we spoke briefly as she also rode her bike to the South. 

I was outside of a hospital, there was mud and water everywhere. They were trying to evacuate everyone. A young child I know appeared and came and sat beside us and she began hugging and comforting the person next to me. She is a very special child whom is two years old but has the wisdom of a very old being.
Next I was laying down and there were tubes everywhere, I looked to the side and I could see a valley, on the other side of the mountains from where I was laying. I see that there is sand as if they were sand dunes or a great mountain of sand. On the other side of the mountains I could see vast amounts of water pulsing against the mountains and water filling up the valley. This time the valley became full of water and it was very close to cresting and coming over the mountains between us. 

In a previous dream, July 2013, the water had not yet breached over the sand mountains and the valley but this time the valley was filled with water and was getting ready to spill over. I feel a sense of this event getting closer, closer than we can imagine. 

I then walked into a corridor and there was my image in a mirror and they told me to walk into it. I kept walking into my image several times in the long hallway and as I walked into the fifth one I ended up in a very large place filled with all kinds of people whom were shoulder to shoulder. They were all walks of life, ages, sizes, colors and they were all dancing to the same beat of music playing in the air. Separate yet together and connected by one beat.

My dream of the mirrors have been repeating in the past few weeks and they all go back to a true experience I had when I was nineteen years old in Arizona. I was taken into a large cement clean room and was placed in front of a large covered circular object which was about twelve feet tall seated in a solid carved large wooden structure which was supporting it. They stood me in front of it and unveiled it to me and told me not to move and to do exactly as I was told and to not cross the painted line. I saw a perfect mirror as if it was made of liquid and I was told to raise my left hand and as I did I saw my other self looking at me smiling radiantly and beautiful and my other self raised its left hand but on the opposite side. I could barely stand to be in the presence of my self. I asked who it was and I was told that this is how they see you. The device was covered and I was then taken into a room and told a planet was on the other side of our sun and it has always been there and that our government has always had an agreement with them. They are benevolent beings and they can intercede if they choose to and to remember that they are benevolent not malevolent and to not let anyone tell you otherwise. I remember saying I am only nineteen years old and why would I need to know this? The scientist told me that I needed to know and that in 1985 evidence of this would be released in the Library of Congress but it would have to be looked for. I am only including this information with my dreams because I have been having dreams of my initial experience and it was not what I remembered. Instead I was put in a straight jacket with chains attached and was forced or pushed though by three men in black suits to the other side where there was a tall white being which kept saying to them, what have you done to him, what have you done to him? I then laid down next to this tall white being whom was neither male nor female attached to tubes everywhere. After a while we stood together and it showed me my higher self which then collapsed and I was still standing. After that it took me to an observation area where I could see there are many realities of many beings coming together at one point realities that we only dream of. I would refer to this as zero point.

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A great upheaval. - by Delta Don - 10-12-2013, 04:51 PM

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