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Spider Webs
Two nights ago I dreamt I was in a park at night with some friends further along. I found myself surrounded by thousands of very large spider webs. They were everywhere. there were no spiders on the webs however, they were hiding and I could sense it. I was completely freaked out because it was night time and I had only a faint torch that didn't give me sufficient reflexion of the surrounding and distant spider webs, only those that were the closest to me.
I also remember that at some other point in the dream I had panicked and my arm or hand got caught in one of the threads and it was impossible to break. The thread at that point in the dream was as thick as rope and I didn't have any tools to cut it. Somehow I must have freed myself.
I remember turning this way and that in order to find a way out through the maze of webs. The first time I turned around because one of my friends yelled "look out!" and behind me, about 1 inch from my back there was a huge web fully formed, no spider on it, though I distinctly sensed that it was there, but I couldn't see it. I slid past the web only to encounter another, once again, closeto my body (about 1 - 2 inches from my face).
Finally I stopped still and observedthe whole scene to the best of my ability and with the use of my tiny torch. I saw that there was indeed a path free of the webs and if I followed it carefully I would find my way out of the park. I knew that if I swayed as I walked , I would brush against a web.
I know what this dream means to me. The night before I had come to a realisation that I spend too much time on the internet and that my worldview is being formed by all the data that I subconsiously collect. I've been slowly releasing the hold that the internet has on me and I've found my old beliefs are resurfacing. These old beliefs are for me, the clearest path to follow. The dream reflected it all beautifully.
However I felt compelled to share this on this site because I believe that strong dreams might also be messages for others. Perhaps someone will benefit from this dream, somehow. Well being to you all.

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Spider Webs - by RoxieR - 03-27-2014, 06:13 PM

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