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Dystopian World
The set up. I take a sleep aid to help me sleep (non-narcotic.) If I don't take it I typically wake up in the middle of the night.

This week I forgot to take the sleep aid and wham I was awaken at 4 am. Strange since I went to bed at 1 am! What woke me was a terrible dream that I couldn't shake.

It was a dystopian view of the world. Everywhere I went it was grey and in ruins. There were hardly any people around and the ones that were are terrified of the times.

The dream was not that detailed - and could easily be written off as it didn't explain what caused the destruction to our world. However, what caused me to pause was I had the exact same dream the next day and I did take my sleep aid that night!

I don't have great words of wisdom with this dream and don't want to come off as preachy. Let's just say we need to be prepared, physically, spiritually and temporarily for what is coming.

I'm a mormon and have had my patriarchal blessing a few years ago. In this bless the Lord told me, the Face of the Earth will change in my life time and the Governments of men will fail. The people will be freightend. That is what my dream looked like to me.

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Dystopian World - by FreddyRedSox - 04-21-2014, 11:31 AM

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