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I had this dream on April 1, 2014 but didn't post it because I was upset that I had a negative dream about race even though it had a happy ending. However, I finally decided to post it in wake of Donald Sterling getting banned from the NBA. I think now that the last part of my dream predicted his girlfriend's candid photo with Magic Johnson and Sterling's racist rant as well as the positive ending.

April 1, 2014
Snow skiing @ lodge. Can't find my baby. I am walking along the road and I hear her crying upside down in a ditch. She is wrapped all warm and cozy in a snow suit and isn't hurt, but I am trying to find out what happened. I'm giving baby hugs and kisses like crazy- so happy that she is Ok and in my arms again when the lady named Sue comes up and is ooing and awing over the baby as it's the first time she's seen her since she's been born. I am talking to my mom trying to figure out what happened and how baby got where she was at and all of a sudden we remember that we were out sledding and she was in our laps when we went down the hill and we slept outside and we had a collision and that baby popped out.

Yellow Rose. (I wrote this word down in my dream journal—and I don't have any explanation for it)

I am at a wedding and there is an old recording artist singing (like Frank Sinatra) and another guitarist/pianist. I'm talking with him and he thinks I did a good job?? We are listening to CD- a Christmas CD, but it is no longer winter so I didn't know if playing the CD was appropriate or not. All of a sudden, I am a photographer taking candid photos. There is a woman that looks like she's from India behind the podium. There is another podium with a man behind it. I am told to stop taking the photos because I am not authorized to take formal photos and I say that I am only taking candid photos. There is an old man on a big bus who has a rant about race and says that there is a whites only room. But when we get to the room, all different beautiful colors of people are walking in and I was so happy that things were not as he described them.

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Sterling - by jjoy - 04-30-2014, 12:18 PM

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