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Scary Dream from a while back
One night I had a dream that was very scary and so vivid and so when I woke I called my friend Davida and told her about it. I had dreamed that the Pope was in a room and had a box and there was something evil that had been released and it was a demonic spirit and it was jumping in and out of the pope. I was in the room and someone was trying to pull me out and shut the door so the pope and the demon could not get out. It was really angry and was banging on the inside of the door. I had gotten out of there but it stuck with me. Some other stuff happened but since I never wrote the whole thing down at the time a lot of the details are lost. Well, 10 days later the Pope resigned. I mentioned it on my Facebook wall and my friend (Davida)wrote on my wall that she confirms that I called her and reported the dream to her the morning I had it and that it was clearly well before the Pope's resignation.**

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Scary Dream from a while back - by Rhonda - 05-15-2014, 02:10 AM

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