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Blood Moon
I had this dream April 15th, I think. I didn't know it at the time, but it was the night of the Blood Moon.

I had dreamt that everyone was going to watch the moon rise. It was supposed to be a spectacular event, in fact, every family I knew was going out to watch it. It only seemed fair that I take my family out as well. A majority of the dream was spent looking for the PERFECT spot to look at the moon. It seemed like every field and front lawn was swarming with people. Since I had 3 young boys, I did not feel like risking the loss of one in a crowd, so I was determined to find a secluded area so that we could all relax and enjoy the show.

After hunting for what seemed to be FOREVER, the sun started to set and I found the perfect field to set up camp. There was only ONE other family there. I could finally breathe.

We watched the moon rise and I was horrified when it was absolutely blood red. It looked like something from a nightmare. Looking around, I seemed to be the only one upset by this and decided maybe I needed to calm down. While everyone was looking at the moon, I noticed movement BEHIND it. It was as if there was an invisible force field around the earth and I saw it shimmer for just a second, glowing in a light neon blue that would easily be hidden by the blue sky. The barrier I saw looked wild, like something you would expect to see out of the movie Tron. It was stretched across the entire sky like a spiders web... but I was unsure of what I had seen until I saw it again.

A huge chunk of the barrier opened, just as the door to a small bird cage would. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I saw a GIANT hand reach in for just a second and drop something. It fell to earth on fire as if it were a fallen star. The ground shook as it hit, but no one else seemed to notice. While everyone else admired and talked about the moon, I stood there with my jaw in my lap absolutely speechless.

After thinking about it for a minute, I decided that the hand I saw must have been God's hand... and I got very angry. He had just reached in and dropped something like I would do for a pet bird or fish! Did that mean that we were all just pets to him? The more I thought about it, the more angry I got.

The mother of the family next to us saw that I was upset and invited us to travel with them to a nice old lady's house. I begrudgingly agreed to go. When I met the old lady that we were visiting, she seemed familiar to me, though I don't think I have ever met her. She invited me in and asked what was bothering me, so I told her. I told her what I had seen and how it angered me, then she laughed. She asked me if I had considered that maybe we weren't in a cage, and that maybe that barrier was there to protect us. She then asked me if I had considered that maybe that star that had fallen was a necessary tool for our protection or survival. I told her I had not. I actually felt much better after talking to her and awoke from my dream.

I told my husband about my dream, mostly because it was just too weird NOT to say something about. He looked up at me and said "You know last night was the Blood Moon, right?" I had heard something about it months before, but soon got distracted and forgot all about it. It was no wonder I would have such an odd dream...

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Blood Moon - by Elyse - 05-15-2014, 10:47 AM

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