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Astral Projection

I woke up thirsty from a random boring dream. I went and drank a bottled water then went back to bed. I started vibrating right before I fell sleep. I frequently do this. This time I tried to increase the vibration rate which I"ve been trying for about 26 years. It went higher than ever before and I was now entering astral projection phase and I tried to release and separate from my body. I've failed for 26 years till last night. I separated, my vibration rate went higher and higher and I tried to turn around to see myself and couldn't. I lost control and can't control where I go and crashed back to bed. Then I'm guessing I've either gained control or snapped back into my body and had one the most vivid/real dreams I've ever had an I have had a lot of vivid dreams. Then I started floating through the house checking to see my son asleep on the couch and he was. Note in the dream he had a blanket. When I got up after the dream he didn"t have one. That told me it was a dream. I proceeded to the front door and went to reach the front door handle to open the door and just floated thru. Then I was walking thru grass that hasn't been mowed for a long time looked up on the roof and seen a computer chair. I tried to pull it off the roof with my mind which I did easily. There was another item up there but I couldn't make out what it was and tried to do the same with no success. So I floated away with full control happy moving then I was approaching a steep hill with a middle aged man clean cut glasses sitting looking at a river. I tried to sit down beside him to ask how to control my flying around. I was trying to sit to listen to him and he looked at me and said just relax. I did and it worked though I was still vibrating and sliding around. He said again relax and I relaxed more and I was able to slow the rate enough to sit to talk to him. I asked what are you doing here? He replied, I"m sitting here waiting for the parade of statues to go by. I waited and watched with him real tall Indian totems go by. Then I took off towards the house behind me and went inside. I was greeted by about 10 or so people congratulating me on achieving astral projection. I looked down at my hands and they are medium dark brown and I'm wearing a dark green dress shirt with the cuffs folded over. I had one person say look you have a relative crossing over. I said oh really who? She replied Shelly Davis, I said I don't think there is a Shelly in our family. She appeared on a wooden chair about 4-5 years old white dress blonde semi long curly hair and joined the gathering. I walked over to an older woman an she told me, you are on a long journey an today was the start of that journey an thanked her and I hoped to see her soon. There was a young couple beside me and I was eavesdropping into there conversation. They were talking about having astral love too politely put it. I looked over across the table to see 2 pretty ladies talking and they motioned me closer. There faces had bright white small worms just moving gracefully through there bodies as if I could actually see the bacteria in there body just bigger. (Earlier in my dream one of these girls blew those glowing worms into my body.) They said to me would you like to join our group here? I said sure and was handing me the contract with the price when the couple I was eavesdropping on spoke. They said, anyone going with us to Sarah Palin's party? I went to reply yes then my vibration rate was slowing quickly and I woke straight up completely drained very little vibration left and sick to my stomach, shocked about the clarity of it. This a shorter version of the dream.

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Astral Projection - by T3X - 05-17-2014, 09:35 AM

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