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Flying in a blue dream
Flying in a blue dream ( kudos to Joe Satriani)
My most vivid and also perhaps most pleasant dream was of flying high over a forest, about a year and a half ago. For all my life whenever I had flying dreams, I would barely be able to float, possibly sometimes as high as a room ceiling, avoiding people who were trying to catch me. Sometimes ( most often) it would be like just picking up my feet and floating just above the ground, but going anywhere I might normally walk. Sometimes it was just floating down a set of stairs by picking my feet up.
This time however, I was able to immediately and for the first time fly high over the land. I remember very clearly, it was over patches of forest, early evening, nearing dark. I could smell the freshness of the air so clearly, like it had just rained ( I have not been able to smell anything at all in real life for more than seven years due to a severe ear infection that spread). I could see eveing mist floating above the trees, vividly, and recall how beautiful it all was. I wanted it to go on forever, feeling the peace and tranquility. However, shortly after I awoke, without the dream really progressing anywhere.
The strange thing was, a few months later, we were driving on vacation somewhere in Massachusetts ( we are from Illinois, the flatlands, not very pretty at all) and all of a sudden we were on a road far above a wide-spreading valley, and in the valley, as far as eyes could see, were large clumps of forest, far below. It was evening, and patches of mist or fog were rising above the trees just like in my dream. It was of course, somewhat different, but the similarity was startling. I don"t know if it was precognitive or coincidental, but the memory sticks with me, which usually does not happen, as I do not have very good long term memory any more. At least I got to fly once before I die ( other than in a plane LOL).

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Flying in a blue dream - by Albert Flasher - 05-18-2014, 09:49 PM

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