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Strange Foundations
This was a long, twisty, weird one! I dreamt that I was living in a large, beautiful, but worn down home. I didn't mind fixing it up, in fact, if there is ONE thing I'm good at, it is making things beautiful! My husband and I planned what we wanted to with different rooms but my main focus was outside. I wanted to grow vegetables, and we had enough space now that I could just go WILD with my strawberries, lilies, and passion flowers (My VERY favorite flower)!

We had worked for quite some time when I saw a blue pick-up truck. An ex of mine was in it. THIS particular ex had been a stalker and DID not take our breakup well.

I ran inside to lock all the doors... but the locks on the doors were just little floppy pieces of wood. They had been poorly screwed in and with little effort fell off the wall and to the floor. I felt SO STUPID that the locks hadn't been the FIRST thing we checked... but there was nothing I could do about that now. I had to get them in tighter! I ran to find a power tool to screw the pieces of wood in more tightly, but it was too late... he was in our home. Watching us. He tried to grab my hand and I snatched it away and he smiled and said that he would wait. I informed him that I was married now and he needed to leave, and he said to me "things change". This really creeped me out because after we dated for a while, I found out this guy was a special kind of crazy... It was amazing he wasn't in jail. He haunted our house now, never leaving me and my husband alone for a minute... until he got a phone call.

I could hear an angry woman on the other end of the phone tell him she was pregnant. WHAT!? He scrambled to get his things and leave and I laughed and cheered... even doing the moon walk at one point... Then felt guilty for a minute that now some other woman had to deal with him.

Now that THAT was out of the way, I felt safe to explore the streets we were on. I saw one of my neighbors walking up the street and decided to introduce myself. I walked over to him and told him my name and that I had just moved into the old house. He never made eye contact, he just kept walking... so I kept talking. I told him that I loved this new village and not having to live right on top of my neighbor and told him my plans to build a massive garden. Still looking ahead he grumbled "Well good for you." If grouchy cat were to turn into a human, THIS would be it.

I just kept smiling and talking until the man asked me to come with him. I followed him to a little building with a tin roof. Inside were two other grouchy-looking men. They were starting up their own hunting shop! I'm not one who likes to hunt, but I am a great archer. Even though the little building was mostly empty, there was a small display of strange bows and arrows. I ran over to see some of the neatest archery equipment I have ever seen. There was an arrow that was made from what looked like pine wood. It was a light color and really looked NOTHING like an arrow. Instead it was a long figurine of a woman in a gown. The grumpy man told me that it wouldn't miss... for anyone to miss something with THAT arrow, they would actually have to try VERY hard. He then opened the glass display it was in and handed it to me. When it touched my hand, a small shard of it broke off. I had barely touched it! The man got VERY angry and started yelling for me to leave.

I put my head down in shame and told him I would but first I had to pay for the arrow I broke. Unfortunately, all I had in my pocket at the time was $30. I told him that I would make sure to work and get the rest of the money, but I needed an address to mail it to since I wasn't allowed in the store. He looked confused for a minute when I handed him the money, and then he HUGGED me. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be happy or scared. I certainly never expected the man to HUG me. He told me that he didn't get to meet very many honest people and that I was welcome back any time. Still, I needed to leave. My husband was working on the house alone.

I turned to walk out of the building and felt my pocket itch to find the $30 was back in there. I asked the man if he had put the money back in my pocket and he said he had. He didn't want to take it, but I insisted he did. I would still pay for the arrow... even if he forgave me, it was only fair. The arrow DID break in MY hand while it was MY responsibility. The grumpy man was no longer grumpy, instead he said he looked forward to me coming back to pay him and the money would help build up his shop.

Now, as I was about to leave, another, shorter man looked upset. I asked him what was wrong. Apparently, he had never been to a homecoming. He was grown now, but he was going to a class reunion and they were going to do a mock homecoming. I didn't see the problem there. He looked down and said that he was shy and didn't want to go alone. "OOoooh! So you need a date!" I said. He blushed and looked like he wanted to run under a rock. I told him it was no problem, I would go with him. But first he had to ask my grandmother's permission (I don't know why) and I had to tell my husband where I was going. He agreed and we walked to this homecoming.

Once we got there... it was probably the most drab homecoming I have ever seen. There were plenty of people, but no one was dancing, no one was talking... heck... there weren't even any SNACKS! You certainly cant have a party without snacks! The man was a bit shorter than me too... I got the feeling that it bummed him out a bit.

He sat alone on the sidelines of the party, and I sat next to him and rubbed his back. He was hot and sweaty... poor guy. I told him not to worry! I would "fix" the party. I managed to find some more lively music... that was a start. People began to sway a bit, but I wouldn't say they were dancing... next, I looked in a small bag I all of a sudden seemed to have to find lots of Japanese candy and some curry mix. I made an Asian spread for the table and people flocked to it. I had to try one of the candies myself... it looked like one of those clear, golden, fish oil pills, so I expected it to be gross, but it was REALLY sweet and delicious, aside from the fact that it stuck to your teeth...

After the party picked up and the man seemed to be having a good time, I decided that I would sneak out and go home. He wouldn't be able to find a REAL date if I'm glued to him. On my way home, I came across another party. It was a little girl's birthday party. I was going to walk past, but some people saw me walking by and asked me to join them. They would give me a ride home afterwards. Well, I'm not one to turn down free birthday cake so I joined them. We were all given little camera's on necklaces, which was pretty nice... but I thought it was weird that there were policemen there.

I noticed that one policeman had accidentally left his camera hanging on a swing set in the park we were in, so I grabbed it and chased him down to return it. When I tried to give it to him, he started cussing me. I was confused and tried to tell him "Look, I saw you left this and thought you might have wanted it... I'm not trying to fight with you, but you have no right to talk to me like that wearing that uniform." He got even more enraged and began pushing me, and at that point I turned on the camera and started taking pictures and recording clips of what he was doing.

I tried to ask him to leave me alone, or I would take this to court. He told me there would be nothing to see in court if I was dead and pulled out his night stick and started beating me. I couldn't film any more because I dropped to the ground in a ball and covered my head. I could see the feet of everyone all around me and wondered why no one would help me.

Finally, the cop stopped beating me. Another officer of some sort had pulled him off of me and asked what happened. I gave him the camera and told him what I remembered. The bad cop was hauled off and sentenced to death for an attempted murder. I didn't care much for that judgment... but the cop DID threaten to kill me, and he had beaten me pretty badly... ( I was limping now). I thought that they would do this in a humane way, through injection or something... but no. They wanted to do something so weird, I'm not sure what to make of it. They brought the cop back and prepared a white sheet by soaking it in some sort of liquid, then covering both sides with salt and Lyme. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled. The other officer who had arrested the one that beat me told me that this was standard procedure. They meant to put this sheet on the cop and bury him alive! I told him that I didn't want that! The cop hadn't KILLED me! He didn't deserve to die in THAT way! I forgive him! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!!! But the officer told me that it was no longer MY choice. The judge had demanded it. I felt horrible. This was happening because of me... but would it have been better had the bad cop just killed me? I didn't know what to think... but this was WRONG. They put one half of the wet, salted sheet in the casket, then had the tied up cop put in it before flipping the other end of the sheet over his head and on top of him. I was horrified when they shut and locked the casket.

Four men grabbed the sides of the casket and started walking away with him. I asked the officer who saved me what they planned to do with him. Why weren't they digging a hole for him, and the man showed me the white house. There was a thick foundation under it.. and they had begun adding to the foundation. There were walls being built around the white house by adding more and more "foundation". I could see in my mind that the casket would be brought to the foundation and placed on top, then bricks and cement would be stacked around him... he would become part of the "foundation". I felt sick to my stomach. The foundation was three layers thick.. he was the beginning to the fourth layer... how many layers before the White House would be completely covered?

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Strange Foundations - by Elyse - 05-19-2014, 11:11 AM

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