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Finding a Path out of Hell
I had this dream in 2013 while in Bakersfield, CA.
Two men were escaping the grasp of hell with me. We needed money for the minions(?) of an army (?).
We were caught and were bound to an ATV (as we or then we passed through time?). When we stopped traveling, we escaped minions grasp by drove down a hill that had a very rocky terrain and with twisted trees.

We were led into a cave. We tried to find the exit, but were lost in an illusion maze. There were more with us, escapees and warriors that were leading us out. The exit was guarded by Rock warriors. They formed from the elements of the mountain. They were particularly hard to fight, pointless actually. One's best option was to momentarily destroy them & make a quick exit. They had only to reform from the rock walls to fight again.
Caught again & with our heads were on the chopping block, I had a conversation with the axe man about logistics and earned my release.
The exit/ending lead me to a burned tree on a small hill. The leaves and branches looked like burned paper cutouts of people holding hands.

Messages In This Thread
Finding a Path out of Hell - by Buffalo Running Deer - 05-21-2014, 10:45 PM

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