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PA 5/30 Arrow & Lancelot
Last night's dreams came in picture form. Usually when I get these, I have few words and more pictures that I have difficulty translating into words. For that reason, I am going to go ahead and assume that these will be specific headlines.
The word strings might be something along the lines of:
3 shot
Some variation of cheated
Arthur or Author

It was filled with so many images, but only the last few minutes before I woke up I could remember clearly.

I was "the arrow" (the comic book character). I specificly remember taking out many with arrows, but there were three that were significant.
Even as I write this I get a split second remembrance of more dream, but its just beyond my conscious reach.

Heres what I wrote when I woke up this morning:

Arrow. Shooting people. Lancelot with me. Just going all around shooting people with arrows. I dont think they were good people. But I needed Lancelots help to aim so I would not be seen.

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PA 5/30 Arrow & Lancelot - by ÆTHERIA - 05-30-2014, 11:47 PM

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