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People<Black Military<Government
I had a very hard time hanging on to any of my dreams last night because I kept being startled by random noises ALL night.

This is part of what I DO remember... I was watching a gathering at a cliff with an amazing view of the ocean. People from ALL over the world were gathering by what looked like the ruins of an huge, old church. When I first saw this, I thought that maybe people had chosen to do this... but then I saw some men dressed in black military gear march in a horizontal line up the hill to the cliff. They were all dressed the same, but also from different places from all over the world. Some of these dark military men carried guns and shot into the crowd and some threw some kind of liquid at us that burst into flames. Among the crowd was a young Nigerian girl, maybe 8-10 years old. She wore a pink sleeveless sun dress and her hair was braided into two pigtails. She was just the embodiment of adorable... she was the first victim of the fire liquid. One of the military men threw a container near the girl and when it hit the ground, it splattered on the girl. The parts of her that were hit by the liquid immediately caught fire and she was unable to get it off... eventually her entire body was burned alive.

I felt horrible. I was unable to get to her because the crowd of people between us was too thick. People were either being killed by the military men, or choosing to jump off the cliff. I tried to calm myself and look around... there was a very small way down the cliff hidden behind the church. I tried to tell people about it, people were in such a panic, no one would listen to me. I had no choice but to try to escape on my own...

When I made it down the cliff, I had to wade through the water full of bodies to get to the beach. I noticed that the beach was very quiet. Those black soldiers were patrolling the area, so I tried my best to hide. I was noticed by a guy who asked me what I was doing slacking. He pointed to some crates and barrels that were stacked on a dock nearby. He grabbed a barrel and I grabbed a large sack from the crate and we both climbed a very steep slope to get to what looked like some kind of storage area. I noticed that there were many high-ranking government officials to include the first lady walking around, inspecting the supplies, and watching the soldiers very carefully. I noticed the first lady take a double take on me... she knew who I was... and I got very uncomfortable. This couldn't end well. As it turns out, the sack I was carrying was full of fresh peanuts and I had to place them where they belonged right next to where the first lady was standing. I tried to act natural as I did this... she smiled at me which might have been a relief had she not also been staring daggers at me.

For hours the black soldiers and I worked... and when we had everything in place, we were lined up by the government officials to be shot.

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People<Black Military<Government - by Elyse - 06-12-2014, 01:10 PM

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