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Perfect roasted peanuts, must have 30.
This dream was on the night of June 12th. I was on a green mountain/hill top. I was endeavoring to make perfect healthy roasted peanuts with some sort of flavoring. I had a wok, which was hot. I had put coconut oil into the wok, and it was at the proper temperature. I had a lot of peanuts, which I kept opening. I kept getting halves or poorly formed peanuts; for some reason I had to have exactly 30 good peanuts. The number 30 is what resounded, I don't know why or what the significance was. I had just gotten the 30th peanut; I was woken up at that time by my cat, I don't know what additional elements I was going to put in to roast the peanuts. My nightly intention includes that I will wake up to remember my significant dreams when the dream is finished, I'm not sure how the cat clued in that the significance of the dream was the number 30 and that nothing beyond that mattered so he had to wake me up.

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Perfect roasted peanuts, must have 30. - by MTB_Forums - 06-13-2014, 02:17 AM

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