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C119 Crash
I don't normally remember details about my dreams, but on July10th, I did.

I was outside my Folsom, CA home when a C119 Flying Boxcar made a low pass over me. I am a military history buff and recognized it as a rarity these days. I don't remember seeing one since I was a boy. I also noticed that it looked a little dirty , and that the USAF insignia was faded. It is not unusual to see historical aircraft in the area, and a B17 was making local flights a couple of weeks ago.

It rapidly gained altitude as it past me and appeared to stall as it fell off on one wing. I had a clear look at its profile as it disappeared behind a hill to the northeast. There was an explosion with smoke and fire from behind the hill, and I awoke with a start.

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C119 Crash - by CaptnAndy - 07-16-2014, 03:12 PM

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