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travel type dream of 07/19/14
Met some younger blonde woman and she gave me a ride out of town to go to a funeral of some very important person? once we got there....she said it was a good friend of hers and something about the funeral being of Ghana religion......she said the woman may have to go downstairs for study/worship and the men upstairs...the place was rather dark. I remember going in various rooms of the building and ended up getting my socks wet so had to take them off.

Then I told this woman I was with that I don't really personally know this important public figure and I don't need to go with her to the services. somehow then it came upon me that i had lost my purse with my keys and wallet and ID and I was searching everywhere to I didn't know how to get back home. The lady that brang me helped search a bit and we left this building and I found my old purse which I didn't really bring this one on are journey. I found the important persons wallet in this purse with check book and other personal documents. The lady said maybe the other woman has my purse and maybe they got mixed up? the checkbook belonged to the important public figures wife. the lady I was with said she would return it eventually. There was also something about a vitamin or health drink that was bad for you or tasted bad or made you sick...the woman said she was taking them all back to the store. This drink came in many various flavors and in plastic bottles, just about the size of a Gatorade bottle. The lady said it was making everyone sick and not to drink.

then we traveled to the east past many high steep hills and a highway that had little bridges above the country highway ...almost like an over pass but small scaled and they we located where you would be driving up a hill that was steep so we had to slow down enough to make it was decorated with a monkey head ceramic type sculpture ad had bowls with pebbles in them. it felt like the dishes were for leaving some kind of donation. after we passed that bridge we saw a train standing still...there was the guy with a big machine and he was ready to ram into the train with one train box he was carrying/lifting with this machine. We almost crashed into him but somehow managed to jump over it in the car we were in.

Lastly as we past the bridge on left side of road was a big green lush drop off. There was a older man riding a famous horse...but the horse looked to me like a large pony. He was called Sir Ellington and was wealthy and he was trotting with his horse. He came to edge of road and let me pet the horse, but said do not pet too much or too hard or the horse will become cranky. Then he invited us inside and it turns out this blonde woman I have been traveling with, this was her husband...he was 70 and in good health and very fit. She seemed to be early 30's. We looked out the back patio which was built on a hill and we could see where he was riding his horse down below....but nobody was there. To the right side was some kind of amusement type slide ride created for men that hunted and fished and such? It was a long sleek slide going down the hill
Then would be airborne at times and they had to wear some kind of head gear before trying out the I saw these men mostly in their 40's to 50's screaming as they went the slide on this guy came close to flying off the slide and onto the ground...I turned to my lady friend and said wow he almost didn't make it....she agreed it is dangerous but had nothing to do with her and her husband and there property, that some group just sets up this contraption every summer for a few days.

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travel type dream of 07/19/14 - by Purple hazydreamer - 07-21-2014, 09:08 AM

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