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Germ Shower/ Indian Tribe
I dreamt that I was in a group of people. We were to go into these really gross, dirty buildings where we talked and worked. There were showers to the side with no curtains or anything, they were pretty disgusting looking as well.

I saw some people get undressed and climb into the showers to clean themselves, and I couldn't help but wrinkle my nose at that because the water coming out was just filthy. It looked also like the showers were just made out of busted old pipes too. I could just imagine it being a busted sewage line or something, at any rate, I had decided that the water spraying out was just full of germs and that I would be better off not having a shower at all.

Eventually, something had happened, and a lot of the people I was with vanished. I was scrounging for food when I met a group of tribal-like people. American Indians maybe? At any rate, they took me in and had me work gathering.

At one point, I was to carry something important on some sort of thing that looked like a stretcher... but not the ones with wheels. The ones with two poles supporting a cloth. An old-fashioned stretcher I guess.

There was another person helping me. One corner of the stretcher rested on my right shoulder, and they were in the opposite corner supporting it with their left shoulder. There was a very special way that we were supposed to carry this thing. We had to march in a very specific way bringing our knees WAY up, and lightly jump on our toes. Every couple of steps we were to raise our fists up towards the sky.

When I did this, I noticed that I had a ring of red feathers around my wrist. I also had them around my ankle. We marched like this all over, but what was really neat was that we had to march over some clear, shallow water over some pinkish coral. It was so pretty... but it hurt my feet and I really don't know WHY we were marching. It was a fun experience though.

While we were marching, we passed a store made of glass. You could see right inside that they had a little bit of everything. It kind of reminded me of Wal-Mart. I had recalled that many people in the tribe needed things. One of the things was thicker clothes. I asked the other person helping me carry the thing, and they said that they would have to ask permission to go inside the store.

When we arrived back to the camp I guess we were living in now, the person I was with asked about shopping at the store, and the leader of the tribe said that it was not a good idea. Aside from that, they had no money. I suggested that we barter food instead, and after some debate, the leader begrudgingly allowed us to barter for clothes and other important things, but warned us not to buy superficial stuff or we would all surly die. Also, we had to be very discreet for whatever reason.

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Germ Shower/ Indian Tribe - by Elyse - 07-21-2014, 08:46 PM

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