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Millions of Silver-White Birds Flying in the Night Sky
This is from a series of dreams I have had in the last week containing the number 8. A friend of mine told me about the August Project after I told her about these dreams:

I am walking back from somewhere late at night with Sue Young. We are in a very northern area (northern Canada, maybe near the North Pole, but there is no snow). I can see the curvature of the earth from our perspective and a vast rolling landscape. I look up and see what at first looks like a very thin, filmy, moving cloud, which covers much of the sky. I am surprised that it is moving so quickly, as the air is somewhat still with no wind. I look more closely and see this is not a cloud but millions of silver-white birds who seems to be making figure 8 patterns around each other, as the whole "cloud mass" moves forward. Sue seems to be non-plussed by this event. I am alarmed and say that this is not natural—most birds don't fly at night, especially in such large numbers. Sue doesn't seemed concerned and says maybe their lost and disregards my concern. I tell her we must hurry back—I am anxious to tell Craig or someone who might take me seriously.

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Millions of Silver-White Birds Flying in the Night Sky - by WingLeaf 715 - 07-26-2014, 09:00 AM

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