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Blue Comet
I can't remember a lot of the dream, but in this dream I was dreaming that NASA was watching the Dream Center for some reason and collecting data for themselves by browsing the dreams. I watched lots of men at computers in a big white room scanning and compiling information but there was a big glass window in front of them and I could see outer space through it.

Then, I was somehow in space watching a man who was flying alone looking at the stars. While I watched, he made a surprised face and pulled out a piece of paper and started scribbling something down franticly. I looked past him and saw a comet making it's way towards earth. It had a long blue tail and looked as if it was moving very slowly, but it was very hard to tell how fast it was moving in space because there was so much space and no way for me to measure the speed in which it was traveling.

The man panicked and tried to make his way back to earth to warn everyone, but then something or someone caused whatever he was traveling in to explode. (I'm not entirely sure what kind of thing he was in... it wasn't a spaceship)

I woke up from my dream IN my dream and told my mother about what had happened and she asked if I caught the guy's name. I did not. I was never in contact with anyone, I was just watching everything from a distance. She told me that news had broken out that there had been an explosion in the air somewhere and that a man had been killed, so maybe I was dreaming about the man who had just died. I was upset and paced back and forth thinking about it. Maybe... but if I was dreaming of the guy who had been killed in the explosion, then I knew that it wasn't an accident and that someone had deliberately made sure that he couldn't say anything about the comet. Why wouldn't someone want us to know about the comet?

I decided in the dream, that I would write the Dream Center about it, but worried that because the man was featured on the news, it would be shrugged off as being day residue. I wanted to call a news station or something, but who would really believe me dream? I was very upset and felt hopeless that I wouldn't be able to get the man's warning out.

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Blue Comet - by Elyse - 07-27-2014, 05:21 AM

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