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Major Quake
I rarely remember my dreams, the last ones were in late May? but this dream which happened in stages last night/early this morning 8/27/14 was very very clear, especially the first parts. It was a hot summer day, I think maybe a relaxed weekend, I was at the Target shopping complex on the Western edge of Hillsboro, Oregon (near Portland). Hillsboro is the home of ahuge Intel factory and other high tech firms in the so called "Silicon Forest" it is also near Nike HQ. I "knew" it was that particular Target even though the complex was a bit differentthan in reality. It was hot as I said so I decided to go down to the river with my dog while I waited for my daughter to arrive, just wanted to waste time. In reality there is no river that close, the river I went down to in reality is near where I grew up on my family ranch in Southern Oregon. It was quite low which is normal for late July, August and September so it was somewhere in that time frame, we have late hot summers in the Northwest. We hopped from one exposed bedrock piece to another until we were in the middle of the river, it was then I noticed a familiar rock feature was under water and thought "thats not normal this time of year" then I realized it appeared the river was rising quickly, possible flash flood upstream maybe (no dams except on tributaries), we did not make it before we had to start swimming to make it back, it rose very high, I almost made it and realized I could not see my dog, I had to swim back towards the middle to coax him he was either losing sight of me or getting carried away in the strong current even though he is big, eventually we both made it to so I went back to my truck to get dry clothes before going back in the store to meet my daughter.
I never made it to my truck when a huge earthquake hit, I was thrown to the ground and I grabbed my dog to shelter him from any debris, he is very important since he is one of the few search and rescue dogs in the area trained for collapsed structure rescue. I thought "oh no why now, I am not prepared anymore for this kind of thing", due to financial emergencies I have not been able to adequately replace emergency supplies like months worth of dog food etc, we all know in major disasters stores will be closed for weeks. The image of the quake was odd, it was huge, a massive split in the ground happened between Target and another store across the driveway and stopped maybe 100 yards from me, it was so big both buildings tilted toward the crevice. It was very odd in the way I viewed it as if time was speeded up, the quaking was very severe but very short and instantly Firefighters were there which puzzled me how they got their so quick (I am a Firefighter/EMT myself and I know we cannot teleport). Then the building opposite Target burst into flames. I had the impression we maybe had a few small little quakes before as a warning, I felt stupid and unprepared as well as worried.
The dream faded and eventually part three started, I was magically home and worried about the situation when my ex called and said my daughter had been in the store, Lowes waiting for me (there is no Lowes there in that complex)and was hurt and in the hospital, I asked where and she told me and I was puzzled because I know all the hospitals in the area and did not recognize the name, I got directions and arrived, I dont remember a drive there but had the impression it was a rough trip, the hospital was packed, and she had been taken out of the area because they all were packed in the area, she was not hurt too bad so they were releasing her to make room for others more hurt. I was obviously thankful she was not hurt bad, but felt guilty I was not there immediately with her and I was really stressed and worried what was going to happen to us, my home was damaged, I was unprepared etc. That is when it began to fade and although I know more stuff happened later I cannot really remember it, except the number 24, now idea if that means in 24 hours, in 24 days, on the 24th, etc. As I said it was a hot summer day, it felt like a weekend and August 24th is a Sunday this year. I am unsure if the Quake caused the flash flood in some way. Thats all I remember at the moment.

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Major Quake - by Dean - 07-27-2014, 03:24 PM

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