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Food Riots
I dreamt that I was going shopping with my husband and boys. While we were in the vehicle, we were listening to a news broadcast on the radio talking about food riots. Apparently, people were vey hungry and attacking any person, place or thing that had food. They discussed people's houses being broken into and families being killed over small amounts of food. Groups of people were attacking stores and buildings looking for food, and even vehicles that transported food were run off the road or tipped over and raided. When the reporter talked about the food trucks being tipped over, I could see it in my mind. A group of 10-20 people pushing over a small delivery truck, then raiding the back. They would grab armfuls of food, then run... but some were stopped and had to fight to keep their loot from other hungry people. It was chaotic.

When my husband and I made it to the store, I entered to see to the left-hand side of the door, that there was a crane game. It was virtually empty except for two lanyards with plastic cards on the end... maybe like some sort of identification cards? On the front of the cards, though, were coupons for free meals! They were good for a free breakfast at a breakfast restaurant for up to exactly $71. In the dream... this was kinda a HUGE deal, and my mouth watered just looking at it. I am great at crane games! However... the lanyards were held down by a brick. A regular red, brick and being flat pieces of plastic and string, it would not be easy to grab them. Aside from that... I tapped the glass to see the claw wiggle loosely. The claw had been tampered with in an attempt to steal the player's money without giving them a fair shot at winning the prize. The claws would never lift that brick. EVER. But I had a plan.

I dug out every quarter from the bottom of my purse and had my oldest son stand next to me holding them, and put in my first two quarters to play. The first lanyard was easy to win as it was just draping over the brick. I swung the claw left and right against the brick in order to cause the string to let up and open a small loop, then I swung the crane forward as it went inside the loop to make it drape over the claw, then pushed the button to have it pull up. The claw was still swinging slightly when it returned to the prize drop and the lanyard slipped off and fell into the prize drop with perfect timing! Now for the next.

I did the same thing for the next one... but the brick had been placed on the end of the lanyard to keep it from being lifted. The brick was keeping the claw from returning to the prize drop with the lanyard, so I somehow managed to reach into the top of the game, and tug the claw's chain just enough to have the brick release the end of the lanyard. The lanyard slid off of the claw and into the prize drop!

I wrapped the lanyards around the cards and shoved them between my breasts. (Yeah... gross, I know, but the reason being that people were being pick-pocketed and if anyone got a good look at what I had, they might try to take me down for it. It just seemed like the best place to put them...) I went into the store and into an upstairs room. There was a small table set up with a few decorations... no food or anything, but some of my husband's family was there. They were attempting to throw me a baby shower. How sweet. As one of them talked, I smuggled one of the cards out from the bottom of my shirt and reached around someone's back to hand it to my husband. His eyes bugged out and I put a finger to my lip to tell him to be very quiet then motioned for him to put it away. He nodded and stuck it in his pocket.

After our baby shower/meeting, my husband and I gathered the boys to go shopping. We had a little money for food... but the hard part would be FINDING the food. My husband and I slipped on our lanyards, and I tucked mine into my shirt and asked him to do the same. We didn't need ANYONE knowing that we had these things!

We were in amazingly good spirits as we walked around the store. I felt so lucky. The store was pretty empty, which was awesome for me. I don't like crowds and the less people around us, the less we had to worry about our coupons being stolen. I noticed that most of what was left in the store were fuzzy blankets and bath robes. I really wanted a fuzzy blanket. I love the way the fuzz feels on my toes... but the prices of the blankets were much too high in the dream. The first blanket I looked at was $13... and I freaked out in the dream thinking that was WAY too much... of course in real life... that was probably a good price... but in the dream it felt like they wanted $50 for that blanket! It felt like so much money! Then I looked at another blanket. I felt like it would be getting cold soon, so it might be good to have a nice one... this blanket was a whopping $17! OMG! It felt like they wanted $100 for this blanket, so I gave up on looking at blankets. I wondered off to find a cute little play house like thing. the walls of it were pink and padded, and the roof was made of stuffed play tiles. There were only three walls to this playhouse - there was no front wall. Inside was a shiny pink blanket, and there were two purple pillows to lie back on. I wanted this so bad. SO BAD! All I could think was how awesome it would be to lie back in there and lose myself in a good book. I looked at the price of this thing and it was $150. I knew I wouldn't be able to afford it. Asking $150 for this was like asking several thousands of dollars. I pouted for a bit then moved on to see another thing similar to it.

This one looked like a tiny, pink spaceship play house. It had pillows in it as well and would have been so cute to have except for the fact it had food bowls next to the controls and steering wheel. Not to mention it was small and cramped inside. This was clearly a dog bed. I wondered just WHO could afford something like this? Also, I thought you'd probably have to be a monster to buy this for a dog while children were out starving to death in your back yard...

I ended up meeting back up with my husband and we decided to try our luck looking for food to buy elsewhere. If all else failed, we had our coupons for free meals, so we wouldn't be starving to death right away.

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Food Riots - by Elyse - 08-05-2014, 01:53 PM

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