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Vehicles and Crane Collapse
Aug 6, 2014
I was in my friends Jeep, in the back seat with an unknown man while my friend and someone else were driving along. My friend had some kind of a gadget that was hooked onto a small chain. This gadget had what looked to be a pencil inside of it, but what it was doing was monitoring something with her jeep, something with the wheels and frame of the jeep system. I noticed this gadget was getting very hot, and my friend driving became upset because it meant her jeep was not working correctly. The man I was sitting next to explained that it meant that the stability of the jeep was not right, and that the jeep had had this problem for some time, and the gadget was monitoring it, and now it seemed to be getting worse as this is what the gadget was registering by getting hot.
We went to some kind of repair place, although it was not like a normal repair place. My friend driving got out and was looking at the gadget, and saying this was bad, and I was a bit scared thinking that the jeep could overturn very easily unless she got it fixed, and I told her this. She said she just needed it to last a bit longer because she had to save up enough money first, to get it fixed.
So we are at this repair place, and there are strange machines all around. Suddenly I was in a small car, watching these people and strange machines doing what they do. There is a crane like thing that has a basket and a man is inside the basket. He is raised very high into the air and working on something on the other side of this shop. As I watch from inside this car, I press a button inside the car, as if I am suppose to. When I do this, it releases some kind of air pressure on a far wall way up high, and the man in the basket that is connect to the crane does something as the pressure is released. I push the button again, and the crane swings the man over to another area where air is being released, and he is doing something to this air pressure coming out. Then, the crane thing begins to rotate him around, and the base of this crane moves along, and I see it is moving toward my car I am sitting in, and as it does I see that this base moving is not going to make it around the back of my car.
I start to kind of panic, and as I watch, the base of this crane hits the back of my car, and the whole thing crumbles and topples, the area with the man in the basket falls and I know the man has been injured. I am relieved that the crane didn"t crush my car, but knowing that the man must be injured, I try to honk the car horn to get other people"s attention, but the key isn"t in it, so the horn won"t work. No one around is paying any attention to what just happened, so I open my passenger door as far as I can, and try to whistle as I can whistle really loud using my fingers, yet hardly any whistle will emerge no matter how hard I try. I can"t get out of the car as it is partially crushed and blocked from the crane falling, but I continue to try to whistle.
Finally I get someone"s attention and a bunch of people rush over and when they open the basket with the man inside, I can see he is all pushed together, cramped up and he tries to open his eyes, but can"t. I am yelling at people to call 911, I yell this several times when finally someone does.

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Vehicles and Crane Collapse - by Leaning Wind - 08-06-2014, 03:59 PM

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