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Chinese Medical Frigate kicks off Ticker Tape Parade with "Big Bang Theory" Cast
Oops. I forgot to paste the dream in the last post (guess that's what happens when I try to work on the computer when tired).
Here is the actual dream:
Sun, 17 Aug 2014:
Inside some commercial real estate building mostly made of concrete.
One floor has a miniature "to scale" city throughout. I am wading in a river in the miniature city and i feel hundreds of feet tall. I sit down in the water to watch something odd about to occur. A Chinese medical Frigate goes by silently from left to right (also the direction of the flow but it is going faster). As the frigate goes by it then magically flips around to go backwards to appear to me that i never see the back of the ship.
Then the cast of "The Big Bang Theory" appears and we begin making a scene like a ticker tape parade. We roll out multi colored carpet along the streets and it looks like millions of people in the streets.
When we're done, one of us notices that the roof is leaking. So we go upstairs to investigate. We go up many floors to find fiberglass insulation only sporadically lain and then reach the problem. Yes, there is a leak. Many leaks. We begin drawing up plans to replace the roof from a traditional hip style roof to a Dutch style roof.
The "Hofstedder" character had been completely silent up to this point. It appeared he had been in a trance. But now he speaks, "Guys, we shouldn't do this. Remember, everytime a band would want to change their roof they performed a sodomy ritual!"
Everyone decides that is a bad idea (of course). Then tall character (name escapes me right now) pulls out various band posters from the 80's and 90's (Metallica, Eagles, etc.) and they all appear to have gone blank and are now just white.
We go up to look at how bad the roof is on top of the building and it looks like it was constructed of vinyl siding instead of proper roofing material. It looks like most of it had been blown away.
*Wake up.*
From 'Awoken' - the Android App:

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Chinese Medical Frigate kicks off Ticker Tape Parade with "Big Bang Theory" Cast - by Spencer - 08-19-2014, 05:51 AM

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