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Libya and Gold
I don't remember much of this dream. I was running with some others and we were loaded onto an airplane. It seemed like we were very poor and hungry. I had somehow discovered that the seats in the airplane were stuffed with gold bars and paper money. A few others had seen the money, and soon everyone was fighting and clawing to get some of it. I had a small children's bag and stuffed it full of money and gold, placing the diapers, wipes and cups that were already in there over my stash thinking that no one would think to look there. I felt like someone would find it on my person if a search was done.
For some reason, I kept hearing or feeling something about Libya. Maybe I was in Libya? I'm not sure. We were taken somewhere, and we had to ride down an elevator of some large building. Some of the people I was with was very nervous about carrying the money with them. We all meant to use it to help those less fortunate, so we weren't being greedy, or not ALL of us were anyway... but we felt like if someone found the money on us we would all be killed.
We were escorted to these large buildings. They looked like huge metal sheds or maybe storage areas. There were soldiers guarding the area, and every once in a while they would come inside our little building to scope things out. We had found another hidden treasure in an old box in the building just as a guard came in. We waited for him to leave before opening the box. Inside was what looked like an oriental calligraphy set. There were six different paints and they were all metallic - red, blue, yellow, green, gold and silver. I was the only one who knew calligraphy, so I was given the paint set. I used the gold and wrote an arabic 'n' on a piece of paper. I told everyone that I thought I could save us if I learned how to write in this language and promised to work as hard as I could.

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Libya and Gold - by Elyse - 08-16-2014, 05:18 PM

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