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Book of History and a Fight Amongst a Group of Men
18 Aug 2014I intended to dream for 25 Aug 2014 but I am not at all sure that I intended correctly but here is what I have that I recall from the morning of the 18th after intending the night before.Dreamt that I was in a large bookstore and came across a book about the history of the world. The book looked so interesting that I ran to the nearest bathroom to read it without being bothered. I opened the book and there were pages with writing but also videos were imbedded in those pages that showed mini movies about the chapter topics. The video showed the most ancient civilizations up to the most recent and displayed the similarities but more importantly the differences between the ages of civilization. I looked up as someone walked in and lost my place in the book. After a few minutes of searching I finally found my place but I also came to the realization that I was in the men"s bathroom -- as I got up to leave before anyone really noticed I was stopped by a male friend who needed to ask me a question -- he didn"t seem to mind I was in the wrong bathroom. Immediately after that a female friend walked in to ask me a question and she didn"t care whether or not I was in the men"s room. I left with her wondering why no one seemed to care about that.Had a waking dream where I could see a group of men standing in front of me. They are grouped together like they are listening to a speaker. They begin to clap and the man closest to me has a bright gold ring on and a blue shirt, open at the neck. He feels short to me with a strong, stocky build and just as soon as the clapping starts so does a tussle of some kind. I see the men fighting amongst each other. I try to move further into the scene and am given some latitude to see a park off to the right of me, like for playing ball of some kind. At first I thought baseball but I couldn"t see a baseball diamond. There was fencing and green short grass.

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Book of History and a Fight Amongst a Group of Men - by Bonnie - 08-20-2014, 04:31 AM

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