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Dallas Intent
I intended to dreams answers about the Dallas question.
This is what I recieved.
Time: Morning untill dusk.
Place: ?
Mood: searching, questioning but calm.
Clothing: I am wearing a full length light weight gray coat, a gray hat (my favorite one) and black leather gloves
Setting: City
I come out of a building walk down the stairs while pulling on my gloves. I stop at the bottom turn to look at the building. It is a three story town house, red brick with black trim and white steps. It is one of many on both sides of the street. It has no signage but it is a bed and Breakfast.
I turn to the street and I think "Day is bright, sky is blue, time is short, whatch ya gonna do Sherlock?" I walk to the nearest corner and looking one way I see in the distance gray Navy ships, another way I see cobbled streets and another direction I see tall city buildings.
I decide to walk to the city. Along the way I ask people "have you seen _____? (I look at my hands and see a black blurry spot like they use in TV shows to hide identity). I stop in a city park to rest. I see green grass, flowers, old Oak trees, children playing and people doing things that people do in parks. It is a very well kept city park.
I am walking again with my parents (where did they come from?) I see a bakerman (he loolike Chef Boyardee) I ask him if he could help. He looks at me as if I am a simple minded person and just shakes his head.
I walk back to my parents and tell them "No luck! You go that way, I will go this way". I think "They slow me down." I turn and go to the nearby corner I continue asking people. At the corner I look at the street sign I see this side say 5th street but I cannot clearly makeout the other side I think it says Chesterton.
I again look at my hands but now the blurry spot has turned white. I ask what this means. I wake up.

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Dallas Intent - by esholars - 08-21-2014, 11:28 AM

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