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Spilled Milk; Rubber Doll
Night of August 22/23,2014
Intent: Anything more about the Dallas Project?
I was shown a date typed on a piece of paper: D/M/Y I physically reached for an itch and it was as though someone immediately spilled 1% milk on it. This all happened so fast that I was left with only a smear to ponder. The day was two digits [24], The month was either June or July [too short to be October] and I couldn't make out the year. This is the second time June/July has come up in my dreams so my question is, did something happen this past June/July that plays into the Dallas theme?
I was shown a young woman [my view didn't include her head but I've intuited long dark hair] lying on her back [intuited her being tied at the feet and hands] under a worn low deck stained that rusty dark red colour. There were chunks of concrete and pieces of metal concrete wire around her. The siding on the lower part of the house was a stained white. She was wearing black shorts and a burgandy halter top. Thing is, she didn't seem real. Her knees were bent and her skin looked like smooth rubber like a rubber doll and there was no movement. Now I wonder if there may be a hostage taking.

Messages In This Thread
Spilled Milk; Rubber Doll - by sherriann - 08-23-2014, 09:03 AM
RE: Spilled Milk; Rubber Doll - by L.A.S. - 10-22-2015, 03:24 PM
RE: Spilled Milk; Rubber Doll - by L.A.S. - 11-17-2015, 05:35 PM
RE: Spilled Milk; Rubber Doll - by Eagle1 - 10-22-2015, 10:01 PM

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